
6 Elements of Joy

“Finding joy within and giving joy to everyone around you is the foundation that is needed for ultimate well-being.”

~ Sadhguru​

You have arrived here because you are curious about the path to Joy.

All human beings seek a joyful life, one in which they feel connected to oneself, to others, to their purpose for being, and to the world around them.

People intuitively know that life is not always easy, but they sometimes doubt their ability and capacity to overcome their difficulties and emerge in a stronger and more peaceful place.

They seek the answers to life’s most difficult questions, and often they seek the right questions to ask in the first place.

Below are the 6 elements that comprise a joyful life.

Throughout our lives, the elements take on varying significance. At one point in your life, being deeply connected to others and immersed in community may be your gateway to joy, while at other times in your life, discovering your spiritual path through long periods of solitude may be your gateway to joy. All of us define joy in very individual and personal ways that ebb and flow depending on what is happening along the way. There is no right or wrong recipe for joy. Life provides you the beautiful opportunity to define, create, and experience joy in the way that works uniquely for you.

This is simply a framework. My greatest joy is to help you create your most joyful life.

lotus flower

"May we exist in muddy water with purity, like a lotus."

~ Zen verse

Why the Lotus?

The path to joy is through transformation, evolution, awakening, and rebirth. Regarded by many cultures as sacred, the lotus is known as the Flower of Life because of their association with the cycle of life, death, and rebirth.

In Buddhism, the fact that lotus flowers emerge from muddy waters symbolizes the act of rising above our challenges and moving towards the light of serenity and wisdom.

In Hinduism, the lotus represents our realization of inner potential through ancient yogic traditions, and is seen as energy moving through the energy centers in our body known as chakras.

In Christianity, the lotus represents purity and transformation. The lotus flower blooms for three days, opening and closing with the sun. Many believe this symbolizes Christ, who took 3 days to resurrect.

Universally, the mud nourishing its roots represents the messiness of our human lives. It is through our human experiences and our suffering that we seek to break free and bloom. But while the flower rises above the mud, the roots and stem remain in the mud, where we live our lives. A Zen verse says, “May we exist in muddy water with purity, like a lotus.

Unlike other flowers, the lotus has a daily life cycle. It sinks every night into the muddy water and blooms anew in the morning, immaculately clean. This daily resurrection is associated with concepts of spiritual enlightenment and rebirth, thus becoming a symbol of survival.

It is time to activate your most joyful life.

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