Want to Succeed with Plan A? Ditch Plan B

A client who hired me to help her get a grip on her time management, energy management, & prioritization told me this week that she invested in a second side […]

Get Out!! (Of Your Comfort Zone)

We’ve all heard (and said) the sayings, “Growth happens outside of your comfort zone.” “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “You must get comfortable with discomfort.” Everyone […]

Small Changes, BIG IMPACT

My summer mantra was PURGE. I had a mission this summer to get rid of anything that no longer served me. We donated A LOT of goods to various charities. […]

The Four Most Important Leadership Skills

I was interviewed for an upcoming leadership book last week, and I was also interviewed by Entrepreneur Magazine this week about leadership & organizational culture. Over the last 20 years […]

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