Driving an Intrapreneurial Spirit and Mindset

Marissa Levin
Marissa Levin
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I’m working with a great company who’s committed to moving to the next level of growth.  The owner/founder has done a very good job of establishing himself as a highly dependable and reputable subcontractor, but wants to triple the company size, and evolve into a prime contractor over the next 3 years.  We have a lot of work to do. To make this pivot, we have to build his infrastructure, implement required processes, and align with the right people.

One of our most immediate tasks is to evaluate and shift the mindset and commitment of his current team. Growth can’t happen alone. It takes a village to build a business. Are they in for the long haul? Can they get behind the big picture? Are they willing to endure short-term pain for long-term gain? Do they want to collect a paycheck, or do they want to build wealth? These are the questions we must ask. 

Intrapreneurs are empowered and excited to take direct responsibility for turning an idea into a profitable finished outcome through assertive risk-taking and innovation. For intrapreneurship to work, the CEO/Owner must be comfortable with delegating strategic initiatives to others (developing and launching a new product, standing up a new practice area, opening a new vertical market), and the employee must be comfortable with embracing the challenge. 

A company cannot grow without an intrapreneurial spirit. The entire company future can’t rest on the shoulders of the Founder/CEO/Owner. Others in the organization must step up to own strategic initiatives, and carry them through to the desired result. 

Making the leap from solopreneurship to a growing company is difficult.  Sustaining a growing company is even harder. Having internal champions that bear the responsibility of growth alongside the Founder will raise the probability of scalability and sustainability. 

I found a Forbes article that highlights the 4 essential traits of intrapreneurs. I couldn’t have explained it better myself, so I am sharing it here.  

What have been your challenges – and solutions – when evolving your company? Please share them with us. 

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