Strategies for Evaluating and Building a Solid Banking Relationship

One of the most important strategic relationships a business owner has is with his/her banker. Yet so often, we treat this relationship as a commodity.

Switching banks is not something that I would recommend lightly. As veteran business owners know, the process is cumbersome, stressful, and time-consuming even under the best circumstances. However, sometimes you have to know when it’s time to make a change.

Three Things Business Leaders Must Constantly Do To Remain Extraordinary

Leadership is hard. Vision, strategy, financing, legal, IT, HR, operations, management, sales, marketing… and staying strong through it all. Tough.

If you don’t absolutely love what you do, if you don’t believe in the positive difference you are making in the world around you, you can fatigue very quickly.

It is time to activate your most joyful life.

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