Verne Harnish’s Pearls of Entrepreneurial Wisdom: A Global Perspective

The evening of Monday August 20th was a night to remember. Verne Harnish, who is Founder of Entrepreneurs Organization (EO), Founder and CEO of Gazelles, Venture Columnist for Fortune Magazine, and Author of the international bestseller “Mastering the Rockefeller Habits,” spoke to the Washington DC Chapter 0f EO. His visit was especially meaningful because EO is celebrating its 25th year, and the DC chapter was the inaugural EO chapter.

Harnish brings more than 30 years of entrepreneurship experience, a global perspective, and an unmatched understanding of what business owners require to build lasting companies. Fifty business owners gathered at the home of our chapter president for education and inspiration from the individual who was responsible for creating the world’s largest entrepreneurial community.

My Eight Wishes for You in 2012… From Courage to Contentment

My wish list for everyone in 2012. Happy New Year, and may this year bring you health & happiness, laughter & learning, inner peace to appreciate where you are right now, and just enough restlessness to propel you forward.

For 2012, I wish you…

Courage. I wish you the gift of courage to make difficult decisions. Courage to pursue a road less traveled if it is where you need to go at this point in time. Courage to submerge yourself in sadness without hesitation when your soul requires it. And courage to claim your own happiness no matter how much others may resist your choices.

It is time to activate your most joyful life.

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