A 9/11 Tribute: May The Healing Continue

I remember the sky was the most beautiful & vivid blue. The temperature was warm, but with a feeling of Fall. Like every Tuesday, I buckled in our 4-year old […]

Five Steps to Showing Up 100% Engaged

A client called me to discuss a serious situation with a customer.  My client is a government contractor, and has placed 20 full-time employees at her customer’s location.   There […]

Small Changes, BIG IMPACT

My summer mantra was PURGE. I had a mission this summer to get rid of anything that no longer served me. We donated A LOT of goods to various charities. […]


I’m at my happy place… the ocean. This is my favorite week of the year. I spend hours reflecting, dreaming, and meditating, which restores my mind, body, heart, soul, and […]

The Four Most Important Leadership Skills

I was interviewed for an upcoming leadership book last week, and I was also interviewed by Entrepreneur Magazine this week about leadership & organizational culture. Over the last 20 years […]

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