The Delicate Art of Co-Founder Alignment

One of the most challenging yet rewarding aspects of my role as a growth strategist is working with companies that have multiple co-founders. I often engage with these companies after […]

Your Experience is Your Blue Ocean Strategy

One of my favorite business books, alongside Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand and Steve Jobs by Walt Isaacson, is Blue Ocean Strategy, by W. Chan Kim and Renée Mauborgne and […]

Get Out!! (Of Your Comfort Zone)

We’ve all heard (and said) the sayings, “Growth happens outside of your comfort zone.” “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” “You must get comfortable with discomfort.” Everyone […]

A 9/11 Tribute: May The Healing Continue

I remember the sky was the most beautiful & vivid blue. The temperature was warm, but with a feeling of Fall. Like every Tuesday, I buckled in our 4-year old […]

Five Steps to Showing Up 100% Engaged

A client called me to discuss a serious situation with a customer.  My client is a government contractor, and has placed 20 full-time employees at her customer’s location.   There […]

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