Rejected by TED… No Problem! “No” Means “Not Yet”
February was a month of wins – and losses. Everyone talks about their wins, so I’m going to move right past those, and get to the topic that that leaders rarely glorify: the losses.
I was rejected in February by TED. TED stands for Technology, Engineering and Design. There are TED events all over the world that feature speakers that have ideas worth spreading. The TED website ( is my all-time favorite site because it opens our minds to so many ways of thinking about things we’ve never even thought about! It spotlights our greatest potential in any topic you can imagine.
Thank you Successful Culture Supporters! Leaders don’t start Movements….Courageous Followers start Movements!
Leaders are known to start movements. However, it isn’t really the leader that starts the movement of a new way of thinking, being, or doing. Rather, it is the follower.
The first follower is what transforms a lone nut into a leader.